DeSmuME 0.9.11(x86)的PC内存区域通过ArtMoney可得知是固定的032A0EB8--036A0EB8
如果要运行DeSmuME 后CE自动编辑内存区域,如图设置下CE,

然后单击CE6.4的"表单"----"显示CT表的lua脚本",将下面的代码输入到编辑框,单击"运行脚本"并保存为 任意名称的.CT 表,如“恶魔城.ct”所以下次打开“恶魔城.ct”时也会自动输入区域。
- set_scanrange = (function(frmMain)
- -- Enclosed in an anonymous function call in order to
- -- cache the result of getMainForm while avoiding the
- -- need to pollute the script's locals.
- local function find(name)
- return frmMain.findComponentByName(name)
- end
- local function dec2hex(nValue, maybe_size)
- local size = maybe_size or 0
- local fmt = '%'
- if type(nValue) == 'string' then nValue = tonumber(nValue) end
- if size ~= 0 then fmt = fmt .. '0' .. tostring(size) end
- fmt = fmt .. 'X'
- return string.format(fmt, nValue)
- end
- -- Pretty sure we can cache the results of the 'find'
- -- calls, but whatever.
- return function(fromaddr, toaddr)
- local fromctrl = find('FromAddress')
- local toctrl = find('ToAddress')
- if type(fromaddr) ~= 'string' then
- fromaddr = dec2hex(fromaddr)
- end
- if type(toaddr) ~= 'string' then
- toaddr = dec2hex(toaddr)
- end
- fromctrl.Lines.Text = fromaddr
- toctrl.Lines.Text = toaddr
- end
- end)(getMainForm())
- set_scanrange('032A0EB8', '036A0EB8')
- --上面的区域设置,DeSmuME 0.9.11官方正式版通用
- --你也可以自行修改起始位置和终止位置。
- --ePSXe 1.9.25的起始地址是:00A8B6A0 终止地址是:00C8B6A0
- --Note: This only works once Cheat Engine has attached to a process, so you'll most likely need to add the call to the handler for onOpenProcess.
