http://www.cheatengine.org/Cheat Engine是一款内存修改编辑工具,它允许你修改你的游戏,所以你将总是赢。它包括16进制编辑,反汇编程序,内存查找工具。与同类修改工具相比,它具有强大的反汇编功能,且自身附带了外挂制作工具,可以用它直接生成外挂。

* When using dissect data with mono you now get a choice if you wish to use it. Including options for always or never. (Always is the old behaviour)
* Fixed PE dissection on live targets
* Added " symbols around strings in the disassembler. (mov eax,"blabla" will show as "bla bla" mov eax,addresswithblabla will show as ["bla bla"] )
* fixed the simple float value with between scans
* the plugin system memorybrowser context popup callback now also provides a "show" parameter (if the version is 6 or higher).
* The rip relative scanner now has an option to also return the addresses of 5+ byte jmp and call instructions. (so also useful for 32-bit)
* Added getInternet() to return an Internet class object you can use to download pages with. (If you don't like it add "getInternet=nil" to main.lua)
* Added setLayeredAttributes(Key, Alpha, Flags) to the wincontrol class. (In win8 it can be used on controls as well, but in win7 only on forms)
* Added the Handle property to the WinControl class
(Hopefully I can get a new years release (+/- the 7 days after release of minor patches))
(I havn't changed the read/write* functions related to symbols. That may cause unpredicted behaviour in existing scripts)