dfzetcc - 2024/12/18 22:53:04
你需要登录才可以下载或查看附件。没有帐号? 注册 lua代码:
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你需要登录才可以下载或查看附件。没有帐号? 注册演示视频:
l760813 - 2024/12/19 0:16:53
ckyun - 2024/12/21 14:19:38
dfzetcc - 2024/12/22 9:45:05
楼主会不会做FC那个运动会用枪打飞球那个 ckyun 发表于 2024/12/21 14:19:38 ![](http://forum.cheatmaker.org/images/common/back.gif) |
ckyun - 2024/12/24 7:45:08
回复 4楼dfzetcc的帖子这个奥运会打枪游戏
dfzetcc - 2024/12/24 13:15:32
油管有见到真大佬做的街机版(MAME 0.210+0.257)的自动脚本演示视频(打枪游戏在02:2x处).
Hyper Sports 这个mame rom和自动打枪代码在HyperSportsBot脚本里. 代码有原版和0.257修改版,原版我的0.210亲测可用.
dfzetcc - 2024/12/24 21:35:55
我参考大佬的mame脚本为奥运会的打枪游戏写的代码..目前效果并不完美.p.s:需要启用Script>Settings>Allow access to I/O and OS functions
- -- 射击目标
- local targetSpriteIds = {0x27}
- -- 瞄准框
- local shootingBoxSpriteIds = {0x73}
- -- 防止射击到射击目标的阴影
- local excludedSpriteIds = {0x00, 0x29, 0x2b, 0x1a, 0x1c, 0x0f}
- for i = 0x2d, 0x2f do table.insert(excludedSpriteIds, i) end
- for i = 0x3b, 0x3c do table.insert(excludedSpriteIds, i) end
- table.insert(excludedSpriteIds, 0x41)
- for i = 0x43, 0x48 do table.insert(excludedSpriteIds, i) end
- local screenCenterX = 256 / 2
- -- 迭代计数
- local lastInputTime = 0
- -- 延迟计数
- local inputDelay = 5
- -- 检查精灵的值是否有效
- local function isSpriteExcluded(spriteId)
- for _, id in ipairs(excludedSpriteIds) do
- if spriteId == id then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function processSprites()
- local nesSpriteRam = emu.memType.nesSpriteRam
- local largeSprites = emu.getState()["ppu.control.largeSprites"]
- local height = largeSprites and 16 or 8
- local sprites = {}
- for address = 0x00, 0xFF, 4 do
- local y = emu.read(address, nesSpriteRam)
- local tileIndex = emu.read(address + 1, nesSpriteRam)
- local x = emu.read(address + 3, nesSpriteRam)
- if y < 240 then
- table.insert(sprites, {x = x, y = y + 1, id = tileIndex})
- end
- end
- local targetSprite = nil
- local leftBox = nil
- local rightBox = nil
- for _, sprite in ipairs(sprites) do
- if sprite.x ~= 0 and sprite.x ~= 0xF8 and not isSpriteExcluded(sprite.id) then -- 获取射击精灵的类型,避免射击阴影
- if table.contains(targetSpriteIds, sprite.id) then
- targetSprite = sprite
- elseif table.contains(shootingBoxSpriteIds, sprite.id) then
- if sprite.x < screenCenterX then
- leftBox = sprite
- else
- rightBox = sprite
- end
- end
- end
- end
- _G.targetSprite = targetSprite
- _G.leftBox = leftBox
- _G.rightBox = rightBox
- end
- local function handleInput()
- local targetSprite = _G.targetSprite
- local leftBox = _G.leftBox
- local rightBox = _G.rightBox
- if targetSprite and leftBox and rightBox then
- local now = os.clock()
- if now - lastInputTime > inputDelay / 60 then
- local input = {
- ["left"] = false,
- ["a"] = false
- }
- local diffLeft = math.abs(targetSprite.x - leftBox.x)
- local diffRight = math.abs(targetSprite.x - rightBox.x)
- emu.log("Target X: " .. targetSprite.x .. ", Left Box X: " .. leftBox.x .. ", Right Box X: " .. rightBox.x)
- emu.log("Diff Left: " .. diffLeft)
- emu.log("Diff Right: " .. diffRight)
- if diffLeft <= 3 then
- input["left"] = true
- emu.log("Simulating Left press.")
- elseif diffRight <= 3 then
- input["a"] = true
- emu.log("Simulating A press.")
- end
- emu.setInput(input, 0)
- lastInputTime = now
- end
- end
- emu.log("inputPolled is running.")
- end
- local endFrameCallbackId = emu.addEventCallback(processSprites, emu.eventType.endFrame)
- local inputPolledCallbackId = emu.addEventCallback(handleInput, emu.eventType.inputPolled)
- if not table.contains then
- function table.contains(table, element)
- for _, value in pairs(table) do
- if value == element then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- end
Geminimc - 2025/1/8 18:12:17