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- 2014-08-22
发表于 2023-06-04 13:58
Money Multiplier 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 0067C504 1C6300Z [Z]000A=10x;0064=100x;03E8=1,000x;2710=10,000x[/Z] # AP Multiplier 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 0067C520 1C6300Z [Z]000A=10x;0064=100x;03E8=1,000x;2710=10,000x[/Z] # Experience Multipliers 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 0067B364 1C6300Z /* Main unit display */ 0 0067CEC0 1C6300Z /* Main unit actual */ 0 0067B664 1C6300Z /* Sub unit display */ 0 0067D480 1C6300Z /* Sub unit actual */ [Z]000A=10x;0064=100x;03E8=1,000x;2710=10,000x[/Z] # PP Multiplier 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 0067B384 1C6300Z /* Main unit display */ 0 0067CEA0 1C6300Z /* Main unit actual */ 0 0067B684 1C6300Z /* Sub unit display */ 0 0067D460 1C6300Z /* Sub unit actual */ [Z]000A=10x;0064=100x;03E8=1,000x;2710=10,000x[/Z] # Shots Multiplier 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 006CE818 1F1800Z [Z]000A=10x;0064=100x;03E8=1,000x;2710=10,000x[/Z] # Exp Never Decreases For Sub Units 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 003EB4BC 60000000 # PP Never Decreases For Sub Units 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 003EE8E8 60000000 # Exp Never Decreases For Map Weapons 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 003EB2D8 7F800000 # PP Never Decreases For Map Weapons 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 003EE80C 7F800000 # Sub-Pilot PP Halved 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 003EE81C 7E6B9B78 # SR PP Amount Modifier 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 004F4350 38A0A [Z]000A=Default 10;0064=100;03E8=1,000;2710=10,000[/Z] # General Purpose Full Remodeling Bonus Resettable 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 0091D050 60000000 0 00924124 7C000000 # Transit Limit Release 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 0014C564 7C7900D0 0 001EE630 60630001 /* You can not transfer to a battleship.
Modified to be able to switch to enemy aircraft, and now it is possible to switch to battleships as a side effect.
However, I think that it will only freeze if you switch to a battleship, or forcefully return to the original captain.
Please be aware that if you put a subpilot on a unit, it will freeze immediately.
Other than that, no detailed verification has been conducted. */ # All Aircraft Reinforcement Parts Frame 4 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 001DECC0 38600004 0 009AD3EC 38600004 0 00821918 3B200004 0 0082317C 3B600004 0 009A96F4 38C00004 0 009ACFAC 3B600004 0 009B2534 3B600004 0 009E22B0 3B400004 0 00A422FC 3BE00004 /* The first two lines are the code that is essential for the code to be effective.
To demonstrate the effect of the parts equipped to exceed the actual number of frames. To strengthen the frame equipped parts frame to 4 frames. Enhanced parts frame normal display of the aircraft ability screen. Enhanced parts frame normal display of the unit ability screen. Unit formation screen reinforcement parts frame normal display / reinforcement parts equipment screen reinforcement parts frame normal display. Equipment body selection screen simple status screen reinforcement parts frame normal display. Equipment body selection screen number parts reinforcement parts frame normal display is. */ # All Skills Can Be Acquired 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 0083BE60 38600001 0 008D70F8 38600001 /* Skills that can not be acquired normally, such as lucky and infight level system, only 1 level can be acquired. */ # Can Overwrite Skills 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 008DE74C 3BA00001 # All Units Weapon Gauge 999 0 002067B8 386003E7 /* It will show when loading saved data by intermission once after activating the code.
This does not save.
You can change the 03E7 part to a value of your choice. */ # Necessary Funds 0 When Remodeling The Unit 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 0091C2F0 3B800000 0 0091CFB8 40BC04C8 /* With the bug that can not be changed to the unit before and after with the LR button on the remodeling screen. */ # Necessary Fund 0 At The Time Of Retrofit Weapon Remodeling 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 00889BE4 38600000 # Required AP At Purchase Of Ability 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 00145C60 38600000 # Required When Acquiring Skills PP0 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 008D696C 38600000 0 008DD710 38600000 0 008DDB1C 38600000 # When The Capacity Value Rises, It Can Be Executed Even If The PP Is Insufficient 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 008DE7F4 7F000000 /* PP itself consumes to 0. */ # PP0 Consumed When Capacity Value Rises 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 0027E7D0 38600000 0 008D9104 38600000 # Memory Money 99,999,999 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 300D07C8 05F5E0FF # Memory Total Acquired Money 99,999,999 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 300D07CC 05F5E0FF # Memory AP 99,999,999 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 300D07D0 05F5E0FF # Memory Total Acquired AP 99,999,999 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 300D07D4 05F5E0FF # Memory Total Number Of Abilities 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 300D0BD6 7F7F /* Fighting */ 0 300D0BFE 7F7F /* Range */ /* Add 0x2 to the addresses to get to the next ability.
The order of abilities is the same as the order of "sorted by abilities" on the purchase screen. */ # Memory Number Of Abilities Not Equipped 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 300D0AB2 7F7F /* Fighting */ 0 300D0ADA 7F7F /* Range */ /* Add 0x2 to the addresses to get to the next ability. */ # Memory Total Number Of Parts 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 300D0B95 7F 0 300D0BBF 7F /* Add 0x1 to the addresses to get to the next part.
Since the order of reinforced parts is different from the sort order, please check the list in "\Special\SRWOG_MD_List.xml". */ # Memory Number Of Reinforced Parts Not Equipped 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 300D0A71 7F 0 300D0A9B 7F /* Add 0x1 to the addresses to get to the next part.
Since the order of reinforced parts is different from the sort order, please check the list in "\Special\SRWOG_MD_List.xml". */ # Mental Command Required SP0 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 001EB9B4 38600000 0 001F26A0 38600000 # All Mental Commands Can Be Used Regardless Of Level 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 001E397C 38600000 # Mental Command Change 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html /* 1st */ 0 00659084 380000Z /* 2nd */ 0 006591B0 380000Z /* 3rd */ 0 00729224 392000Z /* 4th */ 0 006592A0 392000Z /* 5th */ 0 0065931C 392000Z /* Twin Spirit */ 0 00659398 396000Z /* While the code is on, change the target number mental command of all characters to Z.
The mental command ID is entered in Z.
Please check the ID in the list at "\Special\SRWOG_MD_List.xml". */ # Movement + Acceleration Power Of All Units 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 001485FC Z [Z]88690012=Off;38600063=I don't know[/Z] /* This also works for enemies, so you will need to disable it as needed. */ # All Weapons_P Weapon Judgment 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 0013AE70 Z [Z]8863001F=Off;38600001=On[/Z] /* This also works for enemies, so you will need to disable it as needed. */ # All Weapons, No Need For Skills 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 0013AFD8 Z [Z]88630016=Off;38600000=On[/Z] /* This also works for enemies, so you will need to disable it as needed. */ # All Weapons, No Skills Required 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 0013AC78 Z [Z]8863002E=Off;38600000=On[/Z] /* This also works for enemies, so you will need to disable it as needed. */ # All Weapons, Necessary Skill Level 1 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 0013B740 Z [Z]8863002F=Off;38600001=On[/Z] /* This also works for enemies, so you will need to disable it as needed. */ # All Weapons, Terrain Adaptation Change 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html /* Sky */ 0 0013AF6C Z /* Land */ 0 0013AF48 ZZ /* Sea */ 0 0013AF24 ZZZ /* U */ 0 0013AF00 ZZZZ [Z]8863001B=Off;38600000=None;38600001=1;38600001=2;38600001=3;38600001=4;38600001=5[/Z] [ZZ]8863001C=Off;38600000=None;38600001=1;38600001=2;38600001=3;38600001=4;38600001=5[/ZZ] [ZZZ]8863001D=Off;38600000=None;38600001=1;38600001=2;38600001=3;38600001=4;38600001=5[/ZZZ] [ZZZZ]8863001E=Off;38600000=None;38600001=1;38600001=2;38600001=3;38600001=4;38600001=5[/ZZZZ] /* This also works for enemies, so you will need to disable it as needed. */ # All Weapons Special Effects 1 And 2 Are Added 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 0013ACC0 Z 0 0013AC9C ZZ 0 0013B768 ZZZ [Z]8863002B=Off;38600000=I don't know[/Z] [ZZ]8863002C=Off;38600000=I don't know[/ZZ] [ZZZ]8863002D=Off;38600000=I don't know[/ZZZ] /* This also works for enemies, so you will need to disable it as needed.
Please check the ID of special effects 1 and 2 in the list at "\Special\SRWOG_MD_List.xml".
You will need to manually modify the values of this code as needed.
Add armor down etc to all weapons.
The value of Z is from above the special effect 2 ID (such as barrier penetration).
Special effect 1 ID (Armor down etc)
Special effect 1 Level Enters.
If there is no concept of Level in Special Effect 1, such as movement down, put 0x0 in the Level column. */ # All Map Weapons Add Enemy Identification 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 0013AE94 Z [Z]88630032=Off;38600001=On[/Z] /* This also works for enemies, so you will need to disable it as needed. */ # Memory 99 Unit Number Change 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 300D0564 63 # Additional Pilot 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 00E52120 F821FF31 0 00E52124 7C6802A6 0 00E52128 FB6100C8 0 00E5212C 906100C0 0 00E52130 3CA00029 0 00E52134 60A5B3D4 0 00E52138 7D051800 0 00E5213C 408A00B8 0 00E52140 3F600100 0 00E52144 936100BC 0 00E52148 807B0000 0 00E5214C 2D030000 0 00E52150 408A00A4 0 00E52154 3F60300C 0 00E52158 637BB5B8 0 00E5215C 38800000 0 00E52160 64838000 0 00E52164 80BB0000 0 00E52168 7D051840 0 00E5216C 41A80010 0 00E52170 38840020 0 00E52174 3B7B0004 0 00E52178 4BFFFFEC 0 00E5217C 29050000 0 00E52180 418A0010 0 00E52184 38840001 0 00E52188 54A5F87E 0 00E5218C 4BFFFFF0 0 00E52190 2D0400C0 0 00E52194 40880058 0 00E52198 1C84004C 0 00E5219C 908100B8 0 00E521A4 38E00000 0 00E521A8 3C603009 0 00E521AC 60639370 0 00E521B0 38A00000 0 00E521B8 39000000 0 00E521BC 4B362D79 0 00E521C0 808100B8 0 00E521C4 3C60300C 0 00E521C8 606369B8 0 00E521CC 7C632214 0 00E521D0 38800001 0 00E521D4 98830020 0 00E521DC B0830006 0 00E521E8 90830008 0 00E521EC 836100BC 0 00E521F0 903B0000 0 00E521F4 EB6100C8 0 00E521F8 806100C0 0 00E521FC 382100D0 0 00E52200 7C6803A6 0 00E52204 4E800020 /* Numerical designation section */ 0 01000000 00000000 0 00E521A0 388000Z 0 00E521B4 38C0000ZZ 0 00E521D8 388000ZZZ shooting 0 00E521E0 3C80ZZZZ EXP 0 00E521E4 6084ZZZZZ PP 0 001816A0 48CD0A80 /* Somebody else will need to figure this entire thing out, I'm no translator and cannot set up the values or anything.
Numeric designation section Z = pilot ID ZZ = Initial ability equipment flag (0 = not equipped / 1 = equipped) ZZZ = number of shots ZZZZ = EXP ZZZZZ = PP
Please check the pilot ID in the " niche_code code " list.
OFF code is the same as "Add optional unit"
how to use
Add in almost the same way as adding a unit
Open the unit formation screen with the "Required" code and the "Num. Designated part" code turned ON, and when you cancel with the quick X button, the change confirmation screen will be displayed, so select "Yes". (If you select "Abort and exit" here, the addition of the pilot will also be canceled)
At this point, it does not appear on the pilot list yet.
After that, pilots will be added if you perform "Replacement" with appropriate pilots.
For the second and subsequent pilot additions, change the "numeric designation part" code until the game is over and apply only the "required" code (except when using the "arbitrary unit addition" code). "Required" code also needs to apply)
Notes 1. "Add optional unit" and "Add optional pilot" can not be used simultaneously. (Requires additional work on the code application and unit formation screen individually)
2. The added pilot will appear on the main side of the unit with the lowest number available. Since it does not appear on the sub side, when adding multiple pilots, please do the front filling work to the sub side and note the number of remaining units.
3. If you have added an enemy pilot, you can not change as it is, so use the "Change transfer restriction code" together. */ # Old Additional Unit 0 nichecode.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-12.html 0 01000000 00000000 0 00E52120 9421FFF0 0 00E52124 7C6802A6 0 00E52128 90610000 0 00E5212C 3CA00029 0 00E52130 60A5B3D4 0 00E52134 7D051800 0 00E52138 408A00C0 0 00E5213C 3F600100 0 00E52140 93610004 0 00E52144 807B0000 0 00E52148 2D030000 0 00E5214C 408A00AC 0 00E52150 3F60300B 0 00E52154 637B7780 0 00E52158 38800000 0 00E5215C 64838000 0 00E52160 80BB0000 0 00E52164 7D051840 0 00E52168 41A80010 0 00E5216C 38840020 0 00E52170 3B7B0004 0 00E52174 4BFFFFEC 0 00E52178 29050000 0 00E5217C 418A0010 0 00E52180 38840001 0 00E52184 54A5F87E 0 00E52188 4BFFFFF0 0 00E5218C 2D0400C0 0 00E52190 40880068 0 00E52194 3884FFFF 0 00E52198 1C8401E4 0 00E5219C 3C603009 0 00E521A0 60639564 0 00E521A4 7C632214 0 00E521A8 38800001 0 00E521AC 9883001C 0 00E521B0 3B60000Z /* number of forms */ 0 00E521B4 38800ZZ /* unit ID */ 0 00E521B8 9081000C 0 00E521BC 38E00001 0 00E521C0 3C603009 0 00E521C4 60639370 0 00E521C8 38A00000 0 00E521CC 38C0000ZZZ /* initial ability equipment flag */ 0 00E521D0 3900000ZZZZ /* Initial conversion weapon equipment flag */ 0 00E521D4 4B37AF89 0 00E521D8 3B7BFFFF 0 00E521DC 8081000C 0 00E521E0 38840001 0 00E521E4 38E00000 0 00E521E8 2D1B0000 0 00E521EC 408AFFCC 0 00E521F0 83610004 0 00E521F4 903B0000 0 00E521F8 80610000 0 00E521FC 38210010 0 00E52200 7C6803A6 0 00E52204 4E800020 0 001816A0 48CD0A80 /* Please check the ID stuff in the list at "\Special\SRWOG_MD_List.xml".
I cannot figure out how to translate all of this correctly and do the digit choices, you will need to modify this to work how you want on your own.
Open the unit formation screen with the code turned on, and if you cancel with the quick X button, the change confirmation screen will be displayed, so select "Yes". If you select "Abort and exit" here, the addition of the aircraft will also be canceled.
It does not appear on the aircraft list at this point.
After that, the aircraft is additionally displayed when performing "transfer" with a suitable pilot. If an additional unit holds a retrofit weapon, it will be added even if you remove the retrofit weapon with an appropriate unit. Not added for stripping abilities.
Be sure to turn off the code after use. If possible, please turn it off before changing it.
Even if you add an enemy unit, you can not switch as it is, so please use the “unchangeable transfer restriction” code.
0 00E521B0 3B60000Z Enter the number of units to be added in "Z" here. For example, add 0x2 including G Hawk if Grungust style is used, 0x3 including G raptor and G bison if Grungust type is included.
0 00E521B4 38800ZZ Enter the unit ID to be added in "ZZ". For a unit with multiple forms, enter the top ID of the form. 0x01D if Grungasuto type is used, 0x021 if it is used type.
00E521CC 38C0000ZZZ 00E521D0 3900000ZZZZ
Please put 0x0 or 0x1 in "ZZZ" and "ZZZZ" here respectively. When 0x1 is inserted, if the unit to be added has the initial equipment "ZZZ" = "ability" and "ZZZ" = retrofit weapon, it is added as equipped. In the case of 0x0, it is not equipped and is added.
Notes 1. I found a way to add a retrofit unit, so I added an explanation below.
2. You can not add units with multiple forms whose ID is not a sequential number (though I think it is probably only the R series). This is for compression of the number of lines in the code, but I think that it will not work if it is added more than 1 in the R series anyway or it will freeze at the time of transfer.
3. When a deformation unit causes units of the same ID to be dispatched to the same map, the other units disappear from the screen (or twins in the case of twins) at the moment one unit is deformed. I confirmed with the Grungast Kai and the Grungast ceremony. I did not freeze immediately, but I do not know what will happen if I clear the map as it is.
4. If there is a single unit or multiple units with the same ID unit, something may be wrong. There was no problem at the point where we confirmed XN-L with 2 aircraft, but the pilot specific aircraft such as the main aircraft may be dangerous.
5. It will be reflected in the save data.
6. You can not delete the added unit. Once if the total number of units flag is reduced, the units after the flag will be overwritten when the next unit is added, but the units normally added during the game may also be erased by overwriting. If the corresponding unit does not exist, it seems that it will be newly added without modification, so there is no problem if there is no problem. It was confirmed that there are 255 unit data storage frames, so there is no problem with adding them. As a precaution, if the total number of units is 200 or more, the code is limited so that it can not be added.
7. I can not be held responsible for freezes or corrupted data. It seems that there is no problem because the unit addition processing itself is passing an argument to the addition processing routine, but there is a possibility that freezes and data may be wrong, since it is hard to carry out other detailed parts.
How to add a retrofit unit. Unlike a transformation / merge system, a retrofit unit seems to have to "add retrofit parts as one unit". In other words, in the case of three types of units like mass production type gesch, "The actual unit data 3 units" + "the unit data 3 units of the retrofit parts" = use a total of 6 units of data frame; The unit enclosed in [] in the unit ID list is replacement part data. Since it is all like serial numbers, the addition method does not change and the start number ID of the serial number in the form number "ZZ" including the replacement parts in "Z"
Please put Example: Mass production type Gespenst Mk-2 Kai (green) type N & G & C → Z = 0x6, ZZ = 0x02D Eyre Chevalier & Jeanne Chevalier → Z = 0x3, ZZ = 0x081 */ # https://ps3.aldostools.org/codelist.html PS3 金手指库 Super Robot Taisen OG The Moon Dwellers 01.00 稍微查看機體資料, 內存數據就一直跑掉 搞了半天只有不會跳的數據像是資金, AP這種的才能修改 雖然也有可能是我經驗不足不懂修改, 總之我投降不改了 Blader 发表于 2023/6/3 18:10:00 